Buiksloterham, Amsterdam
Buiksloterham, on the northern bank of the IJ waterway, once the site of Amsterdam’s most polluting industries, is being transformed into a sustainable area to live and work.

The circular city starts in Buiksloterham
Over the coming years, Buiksloterham will develop into a sustainable district based on circular principles. It will be up to the partners in Buiksloterham to determine exactly what forms this should take. The circular city and sustainability are broad ideas. They embrace themes like energy, intelligent use of materials, recycling, climate resilience, and sustainable mobility, as well as the shift from ownership to usership and the development of new models for production, consumption, distribution and logistics.
Circular Buiksloterham Manifesto
On 5 March 2015 more than 20 different organisations and companies signed the Circular Buiksloterham Manifesto. Together they are working to transform Buiksloterham into a sustainable and circular district. Various initiators are actively engaged in projects and experiments in and around the area. For more information see the Buiksloterham website. There is a link to download the manifesto and the report on Circular Buiksloterham.
Circular Buiksloterham option form for individual self-build projects
The city of Amsterdam is facilitating and supporting the development of Buiksloterham into a sustainable and circular district. Self-builders are also being called on to make a contribution. The Circular Buiksloterham option form supports individual self-builders in realising a sustainable home with circular elements. By opting for concrete measures at an early stage, you can embed sustainability in your project. It is therefore compulsory for self-builders at Buiksloterham to complete, sign and submit this form. While individual self-build projects are not selected on the basis of sustainability, the compulsory form shows the extent to which the self-builder is including sustainability and circularity in the plans.
What is the city of Amsterdam doing for the development of circular Buiksloterham?
When granting building plots, the city of Amsterdam selects on the basis of circularity and sustainability. This has been the policy at Buiksloterham for many years, and will remain so. The City also applies the principle of sustainability in other tasks, such as refuse collection methods, LED lighting in public space, and in working to realise sustainable heating and cooling.
Would you like to know more or visit Amsterdam? Please contact our Strategic Advisor Sustainability Eveline Jonkhoff, e.jonkhoff@amsterdam.nl