Circular Economy Conference

Brno, Czech Republic | 8th of October 2019

Circular economy has been a widely discussed topic over the past couple of years. However, it still remains difficult to grasp and even harder to start with for many businesses. The all day international event organized by Czech Circular Hotspot has a single goal: to convince you that circular economy is the future, even for you. We want to give you inspiration, offer practical advice and introduce you to people who can help you kick-start circular innovations at your company. On the program: TOP 10 Global Circular Trends of Today and the Best of Czech Circular Practice.

Holland Circular Hotspot will attend the Circular Economy International Conference in Brno in full force with Supervisory Board Member Ton van der Giessen and team member Hans van Ek

More information:Česko Jako Cirkulární Hotspot
