Nordic Conference on Sustainable Healthcare

Malmö, Sweden | 10th until 12th of October 2023

The 5th Nordic Conference on Sustainable Healthcare is a great occasion for relevant stakeholder groups to engage in discussions and knowledge exchange based on global sustainability needs and solutions. There, you get the chance to learn from other important players and have access to cutting-edge solutions, information, research, innovation, and development to advance towards green and sustainable healthcare systems by taking part in this conference.

Sustainability, e-Health, Medical Technology, and Hospital Build are the main conference subjects of interest along with extra group activities. For dutch companies there is still the possibility to join the NL Lounge.



  • Intake call & introduction: to increase the quality and success of the visit, an individual intake call and joint preparation session will be organized.
  • NL Lounge: that offers a unique and professional stand with opportunities to receive guests during the conference.
  • Health Seminar with invest in Skåne: where key stakeholders from the Skåne region will show how to navigate through the Swedish healthcare landscape; the private and public healthcare system, healthcare trends and possible collaboration opportunities in themes centered around Sustainability, eHealth and Hospital Build.
  • Site visits: of public and/or private hospitals in the region of Malmö.
  • Networking activities: with both public and private stakeholders, organised with Dutch Embassy in Stockholm.

Join the NL Lounge!

The NL Lounge is where you will be able to present your project, benefitted with a exhibitor package, which consists of: a live exhibition, possible participation during one of the break-outs at the conference as expert speaker, conference entrance tickets, increasing visibility by (pre-)marketing, additional collective activities and get expert support by the Task Foce HealthCare (TFHC) team.