BrigH2 – a new way for hydrogen
BrigH2 is a start-up developing a 50MW demo plan on the Brightlands Chemelot Campus for syngas production by gasification of torrefied biogas feedstocks into hydrogen. The hydrogen produced is expressly used as a raw material for chemical processes and not as a storage medium for electricity. In addition, biogenic carbon is generated in this process, in higher concentrations than with regular production methods. This biogenic carbon contributes to the demo plant having a negative CO2 balance.
This is the company’s response to the need for green raw materials arising from the sustainability efforts of the chemical industry.

BrigH2 an opportunity to transform biomass in hydrogen
The gasification knowledge, provided by Torrgas, is based on the first installation of 1MW in Groningen, which has proven that it is possible to produce tar-free synthesis for this biomass. Work is currently underway on the necessary permits, engineering and contracts for a 50MW demo plant. The torrefaction step is also essential for success. There is a greater need for hydrogen and biogenic carbon at Chemelot, which is why we chose to make biogenic hydrogen and biogenic carbon from synthesis gas.
BrigH2 is contributing to a chemical recycling process by setting up plants for gasifying biomass into hydrogen, instead of extracting hydrogen with harmful systems for the environment. For this reason, it has been featured as a showcase in the HCH’s latest brochure “Chemical Recycling in Circular Perspective”, which is now available digitally here ‘Chemical Recycling in Circular Perspective’