City Deal Circular City

The City Deal Circular City brings together 9 cities, 3 Ministries and 3 knowledge parties, with the aim, at the latest by 2050, of achieving fully circular cities in parallel to the ambition outlined in the National Government Programme Circular Economy. The City Deal Circular City encourages access to the new market for the circular economy for parties on the supply and demand side, by sharing knowledge and best practices via joint (digital) platforms, and placing pioneers in the spotlight.


Cooperation is essential

Numerous circular initiatives are already underway in the Netherlands. As a result, both cities and businesses have a great deal of knowledge and expertise, which will be important in bringing about a circular economy in the future. Cooperation is essential in expanding this knowledge and ensuring it is made widely available. In the future, this process will help make the Netherlands an international hotspot for knowledge and expertise in respect of circular developments. Partly for that reason, 9 municipalities, three Ministries and three knowledge partners signed the City Deal Circular City on 11 November 2016.

Each of the nine City Deal cities has contributed two projects. The diversity of these projects demonstrates that huge variety of possibilities and areas for attention in developing a circular city. Municipal authorities have shown that in collaboration with market parties, we are able to build up a growing pool of experience in the field of circular building, area development, the restructuring of residential districts and the smart combination of parties. By learning lessons from these projects and encouraging the broad reuse of the knowledge gained, the Netherlands is making clear advances towards 2050.

Visit the website: Circular City