2022 Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference

The Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference is the main gathering of the European Circular Economy community. In the 5th edition, the European Commission and the European Economic and Social Committee have joined forces with the French EU Council Presidency to organise this flagship stakeholder conference.

The two-day conference on 1st and 2nd March 2022 will take us ‘Towards a new normal: Sustainable products for sustainable consumption’, including a focus on the main upcoming milestones in the implementation of the Circular Economy Action Plan. We shall prepare the ground for the next steps in the Circular Economy and give participants the opportunity to grow their network of circular partners.

For more information, here.


Planned schedule

  • Day 1 of the conference will present and discuss the latest circular economy policy developments, setting the scene for upcoming initiatives to make sustainable products the norm.
  • Day 2 of the conference is being prepared in cooperation with the Coordination Group members of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform. Participatory workshops will showcase successes and identify new challenges and opportunities in areas such as circular cities, retailers & consumers, procurement, food waste & bioeconomy, textiles, network governance, construction & infrastructure, and economic incentives.