Circular infrastructure in international perspective
online | 9th of February 2022Following the global launch of the international publication ‘Circular Infrastructure: the road towards a sustainable future’, we will talk about international circular opportunities for Dutch companies and organizations in this sector. The publication includes many best practices from the Netherlands but also an action agenda that aims to involve parties in Europe and other parts of the world. We need to get involved internationally and help shape the agenda towards circular infrastructure.
This session is organized by Rijkswaterstaat and Holland Circular Hotspot.
Program and registration
During the online session (13:00-14:00hrs) the parties that initiated the publication – Rijkswaterstaat, TNO and Holland Circular Hotspot – will shortly present their point of view. Then we will give the floor to Dutch companies that offer circular products and solutions and have international experience. How did they set foot abroad, what have they learned and what should be done to stimulate and create circular infrastructure internationally?
13:00 Start en opening by moderator Edwin van der Wel, head of the department Natural Circularity (‘Natuurlijk Circulair’) at Rijkswaterstaat and member of the Transition Team Circular Building & Infrastructure
13:05 Short statements by the developers of the brochure
- Jessica Reis Leffers, Circular Economy Advisor Rijkswaterstaat
- Freek van Eijk, CEO Holland Circular Hotspot
- Greet Leegwater, Portfolio manager Roads TNO
13:20 Dialogue with innovators from the infrastructure sector
- Joop Groen, program manager Chaplin – Biobased asphalt Circular Biobased Delta
- Marc Brants, account manager Basilisk – self healing concrete
- Mantijn van Leeuwen, managing director NIBE, chair Platform CB’23
13:50 Reactions by RWS, HCH and TNO
14:00 End
The event is part of the Rijkswaterstaat program Week van de Circulaire Economie en Klimaat (8-10 February 2022).
Please register here.