Strengthening Anglo-Dutch circular collaboration
online | 29th of April 2021WRAP (The Waste and Resources Action Programme), Holland Circular Hotspot, and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the United Kingdom would like to invite you to their exciting webinar series. We are hosting a full-day joint event exploring possibilities for British-Dutch cooperation in Plastics, Textiles and Built Environment to inspire participants and share best practices in the journey towards a more circular economy.
Invitees may attend all of the day’s sessions or choose the ones in their area of interest. Find the programme and confirmed speakers below.
Register here!

This webinar series is to be held over Zoom, with sessions focusing on each of the three areas of Plastics, Textiles, and Built Environment, and an overview and introductory session at the beginning of the day, featuring a welcome from Dutch Ambassador Mr Karel van Oosterom.
Times below are CET:
10:45 – 11:00 Opening/Welcome
Ambassador Mr Karel van Oosterom
11:00 – 12:30 Circular Collaboration in Plastics
Speakers include:
David Rogers (Head of International Resource Management, WRAP)
Freek van Eijk (Managing Director) and Stéphanie Schuitemaker (Project Manager Marketing & Communications) at Holland Circular Hotspot
Sarah Ottaway (Sustainability and Social Value Lead, SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK Ltd)
Esther Zondervan-van den Beuken (Program Manager Circular Plastics, TNO)
Pieter van Os (Program Manager, CIRCO International)
12:30 – 13.30 Break
13:30 – 15.00 Circular Collaboration in Textiles
Speakers include:
Ruben Dubellar (Senior Advisor International Strategy, Holland Circular Hotspot)
David Rogers (Head of International Resource Management, WRAP)
Mieke Evers (Circular Textiles Advocate, Netherlands Enterprise Agency
Bert van Son (CEO/Founder, MUD Jeans)
Hilde van Duijn (Innovation Manager, Wieland Textiles)
Steve Lyons (Re-Fashion)
15:00 – 16:30 Circular Collaboration in Built Environment
Speakers include:
Freek van Eijk (Managing Director, Holland Circular Hotspot); Sabine Oberhuber (Co-Founder, Turntoo); Gary Newman (Chief Executive, Woodknowledge Wales); Rutger Sypkens (Cirkelstad); David Rogers (Head of International Resource Management, WRAP); Katherine Adams (Alliance for Sustainable Building Products)
16:30 – 17:30 Networking and further Discussion Session