WEBINAR Lithium-ion Batteries in the Circular Economy: US-NL Collaboration Opportunities
Online | 6th of March 2023Join us virtually at the Lithium-ion Batteries in the Circular Economy webinar and learn more about market opportunities in the NL and the U.S. This webinar, jointly organized by Holland Circular Hotspot and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Washington D.C, will bring together actors across the battery value chain from both the U.S. and the NL to discuss the current trends, challenges and developments at both market and policy levels. Moreover, we will explore collaboration opportunities between both countries.
With this session we aim to bring together an expert panel of specialists in the topic from U.S. and the Netherlands and an interactive Q&A session. Join the webinar to learn more about market developments and opportunities for collaboration between the NL and the U.S.
To join the session, please follow this link to Zoom.
17:00 CET / 08:00 PST Welcome and opening remarks by Ruben Dubelaar, Senior Advisor at Holland Circular Hotspot
17:05 Welcome Words by Lieske Streefkerk-Arts, Counselor for Transportation and Environment at Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Washington DC
Part I: Setting the scene: Policy Context
17:10 Exploring the Circular Economy Strategies for Lithium-ion Batteries in the NL, EU and US with Luuk Spee, Policy Coordinator at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management
Part II: Lithium-ion Batteries opportunities and challenges
17:20 Showcasing best practices and latest technologies in the U.S. and NL and exploring collaboration opportunities with:
- Gao Liu, Senior Scientist & Group Leader at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory;
- Jasper Baltus, Managing Director at EcarACCU;
- Erik Frederikson, Managing Director at Call2Recycle;
- Benjamin Neeteson, Owner-Director of StoredEnergy & Rent a Battery
17:45 Interactive panel discussion and Q&A session
17:57 CET / 08:57 PST Outlook and Closing Remarks