Below you find a selection of the latest news and developments at Holland Circular Hotspot. Do you have news you want to share? Please contact us.
New publication: 'Circular Batteries Charging the Future'

Circularity in the batteries sector ask for international collaboration
New publication: 'Circular agrifood & biomass - Food & materials for a sustainable future'

Circular agrifood & biomass brochure had its international launch
Milgro whitepaper- 'Towards a circular food sector'

Find out how the food sector is moving towards a circular future
No Time to Waste 'Help business owners with regulations around end-of-waste declaration'

Conference No Time to Waste, white paper handover
The Netherlands - A Country Circular by Design

An article by Antonella Ilaria Totaro
Interview: 'The Secret Weapon of Climate Action'

An interview with Freek van Eijk
Netherlands introduces National Circular Economy Program 2023 - 2030

Netherlands to launch National Circular Economy Program 2023-2030
Zeeman, PeelPioneers and the Province of Gelderland winners Circular Awards 2023!

Dutch Circular Economy Week!
Launch of the Circular Gap Report 2023

Circularity Gap Report 2023, annual check-up of global circularity
Spotlight country page Canada: Opportunities for Dutch collaborations

Learn more about the policies and circular economy in Canada.
Opportunities for circular bio-economy in Thailand

Country booster seminar
New publication: ‘Waste Management as a catalyst to a Circular Economy'

The publication was launched during the NL mission to Malaysia.
Caffe Inc. Building signs contract for €4 million to build recycling plant for coffee waste in Amsterdam

Dutch company is building a plant to create bio-based product ingredients
Holland Circular Hotspot forms partnership with Milgro to promote internationalization CE

A new partnership to accelerate the international circular transition
Dutch Circular Day 2021 in Poland

Dutch conference within the framework of Circular Week
New spotlight country page: Ireland

Circular opportunities for Dutch entrepreneurs
New publication: Waste Management in Latin America

Matching demand and offer between LATAM and The Netherlands
Circular business opportunities in Chile? Re-watch the webinar series!

Virtual trade mission Chile
Circular Economy & Waste management: Business opportunities in France

Report of the online French-Dutch meet-up
Water Management Opportunities and Italian-Dutch Cooperation

Circular Economy in Italy
The Sustainable Urban Delta

Blog #8 of 12 voices by Meiny Prins, CEO Priva
Humanity, climate change and biogas opportunities: a lacking sense of urgency

Blog #3 of the selection 12 voices on the transition to a circular economy
All Transition Agendas now available in English

Transition agendas Construction, Manufacturing, Biomass and Food translated