Survey: How does a tax shift from labour to pollution impact your business?

August 26, 2021

Current tax systems in the EU are aligned with the linear economy: labour taxes are high, while pollution and natural resource are hardly taxed. The Ex’tax Project, an independent think tank, studies a taxshift from labour to pollution and the use of natural resources, which aligns tax systems with an inclusive, circular economy.

The Ex’tax Foundation and partners are researching the impact of tax on circular business models. Entrepreneurs and managers throughout the EU are kindly invited to fill out their survey, which consists of 14 short questions and will take about 4 minutes of your time. The answers will be processed anonymously.


Share your experience!

An increasing number of entrepreneurs and businesses are developing sustainable and circular business models or are already offering circular products and services. Their insights on how the tax system impacts their business are of great importance to The Ex’tax Project studies.

To collect their input, a minute survey is launched, The results of the survey will be included in a new groundbreaking study by Ex’tax that will be published later this year.

Entrepreneurs and managers throughout the EU are kindly invited to fill out the survey. The answers will be processed anonymously.

Let’s make taxes a force for the circular economy!