Services we offer

Holland Circular Hotspot’s mission is to accelerate the international circular transition by facilitating Dutch-international exchange and collaboration. Our deep knowledge of the Dutch and international CE landscape and access to a global network of experts provides a unique position to facilitate exchange and collaboration accelerating the international circular transition. 

We offer several services that are at the core of this mission:

Programme organisation for events or visits

At Holland Circular Hotspot, we specialise in organising events and visits that foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among international stakeholders. Our programmes are designed to share Dutch innovations in the circular economy, and exchange knowledge and experience between the Netherlands and the rest of the world. Our sector-specific circular economy knowledge, and skills for facilitating exchange, interaction and inspiration, together with our global network, offers participants valuable insights and networking opportunities.

This service is tailor made to each specific situation and context. Ranging from content partner to the full organisation of incoming missions and to The Netherlands and outgoing missions and visits to any country in the rest of the world.

Circular Hotspot development

HCH is dedicated to developing and expanding circular hotspots globally. These hotspots serve as hubs of innovation and collaboration, bringing together local businesses, knowledge institutions, and governments to drive the transition to a circular economy. By establishing these strategic locations, we facilitate the exchange of best practices, support local market development, and create opportunities for Dutch businesses to export their circular solutions, thereby strengthening the global circular economy network. 

Incoming missions

Do you want to bring an international delegation to the Netherlands to explore its leading circular economy practices? Incoming missions offer a unique opportunity for foreign stakeholders to engage directly with Dutch pioneers in the field, learn from their experiences, and explore potential collaborations. Through guided tours, workshops, and networking sessions, participants gain first-hand knowledge of successful CE implementations and build connections that foster international cooperation. 

We help you set up your visit to the Netherlands and create a tailor-made programme for your delegation.

Moderation of events

HCH provides expert moderation services for events focused on the circular economy. Our experienced moderators ensure that discussions are dynamic, inclusive, and productive, drawing on our deep understanding of CE principles and practices. By facilitating meaningful dialogue among diverse stakeholders, we help drive forward-thinking conversations that inspire action and foster collaborative solutions for a sustainable future. 

Keynote speakers

Our keynotes are delivered by leading experts in the circular economy, providing inspirational and informative presentations that highlight the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in the field. These keynotes draw on our extensive research and practical experience, offering audiences valuable insights into how they can contribute to and benefit from the transition to a circular economy. Through engaging storytelling and thought-provoking analysis, our keynotes aim to motivate and empower individuals and organizations to embrace circular principles and practices. 

Booster programme

Our booster programmes are designed to highlight circular collaboration opportunities in your country or region and involve the right stakeholders. Through accessible information about markets and opportunities, we help Dutch businesses navigate international activity, as well as local stakeholders to link up with potential business or knowledge partners from the Netherlands. 

In the booster programme, we focus on two items:

1. An inventory of business opportunities linked to circular economy in the market, on three preselected topics, aimed at international collaboration with the Netherlands. This study will be published as a 2-pager and as an extended country focus page on HCH’s website.

2. A sector-specific webinar or in-person event focusing on circular opportunities, best practices and match-making, as a follow-up after the publication of the 2-pager.

Quick scan reports

With our quick scan reports that cut across country and theme, we provide you with rapid, actionable insights into market opportunities and challenges in the circular economy. We dive into your specific question and, by leveraging our deep knowledge of the Dutch and international CE landscape and access to a global network of experts, we deliver precise and practical information that helps you kick-start your journey.

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