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49 results found


Exergy Storage - Exergy circular batteries

Exergy Storage - Exergy circular batteries

Exergy circular batteries with high energy density


Elestor BV - flow battery

Elestor BV - flow battery

Elestor's flow battery : Large-scale, long-duration, scalable and affordabl


Route Circulair - the Circular Maturity Scan

Route Circulair -  the Circular Maturity Scan

Discover the Circular Maturity of your organisation


Injection point & DFNS: a new creation made from recycled materials

Injection point & DFNS: a new creation made from recycled materials

Injection Point product made from recycled plastic


Injection Point: Ace & Tate on becoming a Circular business

Injection Point: Ace & Tate on becoming a Circular business

Circular Approach with Upcycled Spectacle Cases Made Plastic Demo Lens


Cyclin B.V.

Cyclin B.V.

Circular insulation panels based on residual streams of cellulose fibers


Aliter Networks - Make a difference with IT

Aliter Networks - Make a difference with IT

Aimes at extending the life of IT assets


VonWood - Circular Online Platform

VonWood - Circular Online Platform

How digitalisation can make the timber trade more sustainable


Cooloo - Endless Life for the furniture industry

Cooloo - Endless Life for the furniture industry

Waste material based circular coatings for Endless Life furniture.


Procomat - WasteMate, the smart solar powered waste compacting bin

Procomat - WasteMate, the smart solar powered waste compacting bin

Smart, sustainable and self-pressing waste bins


Sustonable - The Circular Design Surface

Sustonable - The Circular Design Surface

Sustainable decorative surfaces for conscious homes


Ciskin | Circular Skin

Ciskin | Circular Skin

New circular facade solution from facade builders


Black Winch - Scalable 'As-A-Service business model'

Black Winch - Scalable 'As-A-Service business model'

Turning product-based businesses into an in-house subscription model


Blue Phoenix Group – Building a Sustainable Future

Blue Phoenix Group – Building a Sustainable Future

Turning ash into new materials


Tolhuijs Design - Sustainable dutch design with a story

Tolhuijs Design - Sustainable dutch design with a story

Quality Dutch design products made from waste


Lely - Sustainable farming for the future

Lely - Sustainable farming for the future

Providing advice and innovative solutions for an efficient farm management


Swapfiets - the world’s first ‘bicycle as a service’ company

Swapfiets - the world’s first ‘bicycle as a service’ company

Swapfiets, the smart bike subscription


CooLoo - Circular Coatings

CooLoo - Circular Coatings

CooLoo designs and produces high-quality ecological coating solutions.


Leadax - Revolutionary sustainable roofing and Flashing

Leadax - Revolutionary sustainable roofing and Flashing

Circular waterproofing materials, such as flashing and flat roofing


De Afvalbak- Circular Bin Design (& Circular Transition Consultancy)

De Afvalbak- Circular Bin Design (& Circular Transition Consultancy)

Dutch Design Waste Bins & Knowledge Partner


BINK lampen - Refurbished lighting are lights for life

BINK lampen - Refurbished lighting are lights for life

BINK: vintage lamps fully circular!


SNEW Telecom - Circular telecom and IT with a social heart

SNEW Telecom - Circular telecom and IT with a social heart

How to give a second life to your business IT infrastructure.


Join the Pipe - City Water

Join the Pipe - City Water

Filtered tap-water in a reusable bottle.


Excess Materials Exchange - The Digital Platform

Excess Materials Exchange - The Digital Platform

Where to exchange any type of excess material across industries


Ahrend - creating sustainable working environments

Ahrend - creating sustainable working environments

Designing and manufacturing quality products, which can be reused endlessly


Circulus B.V. – from waste stream to raw materials

Circulus B.V. – from waste stream to raw materials

Circular products made from plastic and biomass waste streams


Coolrec & KPN - Skating medals made of old mobile phones

Coolrec & KPN - Skating medals made of old mobile phones

Will your old mobile soon hang around a skating champion's neck?


Van de Sant - Comfortable sustainable furniture

Van de Sant - Comfortable sustainable furniture

Furniture made from recovered ocean-bound plastics and waste streams


Race Against Waste: inspiring everybody to participate in the transition to the circular economy in a fun, easy and practical way

Race Against Waste: inspiring everybody to participate in the transition to the circular economy in a fun, easy and practical way

Educational competition between primary schools to collect e-waste


Studio Wae - Circular Modular Rugs

Studio Wae - Circular Modular Rugs

Making scalable beautiful products from residual flows


MycoTEX - 3D produced sustainable textiles from mushrooms roots

MycoTEX - 3D produced sustainable textiles from mushrooms roots

Mushroom roots that can be turned into sustainable and compostable garments


Schijvens - 100% recycled corporate clothing

Schijvens - 100% recycled corporate clothing

From worn textile to sustainable uniforms


SEW-EURODRIVE – gearing up manufacturing

SEW-EURODRIVE – gearing up manufacturing

A major player in the development of motion control & industrial gearboxes.


Tarkett – Lime-based carpet tiles

Tarkett – Lime-based carpet tiles

Upcycling of lime from drinking water.


Schut Paper – Residual fiber as raw material

Schut Paper – Residual fiber as raw material

Paper that can be reused 7 times over.


Leapp - ICT refurbishment

Leapp - ICT refurbishment

Leapp refurbishes Apple products and offers ICT equipment with a ...


Raw Materials Scanner – key indicators on materials dependency

Raw Materials Scanner – key indicators on materials dependency

Sustainability risk assessments of raw materials in complex supply chains.


DyeCoo Textile Systems - Water and Chemical free textile dyeing

DyeCoo Textile Systems - Water and Chemical free textile dyeing

Textile dyeing with no water needed


The Calcite Factory - processed calcite for a Circular Face Scrub

The Calcite Factory - processed calcite for a Circular Face Scrub

The Calcite Factory is an innovative facility where calcite – a ...


Auping - Circular mattresses with ambition

Auping - Circular mattresses with ambition

Royal Auping is one of the Dutch leaders in circular economy


EMMA Safety Footwear – sustainable safety shoes

EMMA Safety Footwear – sustainable safety shoes

Fully circular line of work and safety footwear


NS Dutch railways - Circular fast track

NS Dutch railways - Circular fast track

For the past 20 years, the NS Dutch national railways’ double-decker ...


Fair Meter - Preparing for a future-proof energy transition

Fair Meter - Preparing for a future-proof energy transition

A fair meter is a smart energy metre, made from responsibly sourced, ...


SNEW – Adding value to waste

SNEW – Adding value to waste

Planet Earth’s raw materials are running out. In 20 years’ time, over ...


CIRCO - Creating business through circular design

CIRCO - Creating business through circular design

Bollegraaf - Automated circular solutions

Bollegraaf - Automated circular solutions

Leading manufacturer of recycling equipment


ZERO BRINE – From industrial saline waste water to clean water and minerals

ZERO BRINE – From industrial saline waste water to clean water and minerals

Philips Healthcare - Refurbished Systems

Philips Healthcare - Refurbished Systems

Closing the Loop – Pragmatic solutions for Sustainable ICT

Closing the Loop –  Pragmatic solutions for Sustainable ICT

Adding circularity to mobile phone use