Circular Economy & Waste Management: Business Opportunities in France
online | 12th of November 2020The NBSO Lyon, the Dutch Embassy in Paris and Holland Circular Hotspot invite you to participate in the digital French-Dutch meet up on Waste Management and Cleantech on 12 November.
In recent years, the Dutch industry has always been strongly represented at the Pollutec, the bi-annual fair in Lyon for companies with products and / or services in the field of Waste Management, Environmental Technologies and Cleantech. Despite the fact that the fair will not be able to take place physically this year, organizing parties want to ensure that Dutch companies have sufficient opportunity at the time of Covid-19 to gain market knowledge and to come into contact with potential customers or partners in France.
Programme overview:
– Circular Roadmap France: “Plan de relance”
– Pitch session Netherlands: best practices
– Business opportunities France
Register to participate!
Opening/introduction and welcome
- Holland Circular Hotspot: Ruben Dubelaar, moderator
- Netherlandse Embassy in Paris and NBSO Lyon: Leontine Schijf, Joris Houtman, Astrid Laurans
- Orée: Nathalie Boyer
France: ‘Plan de relance’, investments and waste policy
- Ademe: Olivier Chazal: interview investment fund and ‘Plan de Relance’
- Citeo: Axel Darut – legislation on EPR
The Netherlands: Plastic Pact and business pitch
- Rijkswaterstaat: Martijn van Rijn – impact of ‘EU Plastic Pact’ on the plastics value chain
- Pitch sessie: Reflection by French panel on Dutch best practices