Knowledge meeting circular transition models

online from RVO studio | 25th of June 2021

Which models and approaches for circular transition have been developed in recent years? And how can you apply these in practice in the manufacturing industry? On Friday 25 June (10-12 hours), the Dutch Implementation Program Circular Manufacturing organizes a knowledge-sharing meeting in which six transition approaches are explained by the professors involved and applied to a case in the manufacturing sector.

  • Network governance and 10 principles for regional approach: prof.dr. Jacqueline Cramer, professor Sustainable Innovation, Universiteit Utrecht
  • Mission driven Innovation systems: prof.dr. Marko Hekkert, professor Innovation sciences,Universiteit van Utrecht
  • Circular Businessmodels: prof.dr. Jan Jonker, professor Sustainable Entrepreneurship Radboud Universiteit
  • Transition management: prof.dr. Derk Loorbach, professor Transition Management Erasmus Universiteit
  • Market transformation: André Nijhof, professor Sustainable Entrepreneurship en Stewardship Nyenrode University & Lucas Simons, NewForesight en SCOPE insight
  • Small Wins: Katrien Termeer, professor Public Administration Wageningen Universiteit

For more information (in Dutch) see: Circulaire Maakindustrie



This event is available in Dutch only!