Webinar: Circular bio-economy in Thailand
online | 13th of December 2022Are you looking for business opportunities in Thailand? Do you want to learn more about the Bio-Circular and Green (BCG) economic model in Thailand?
This webinar, jointly organized by Holland Circular Hotspot, the Netherlands Embassy in Thailand and the Netherlands-Thai Chamber of Commerce, aims to engage Dutch companies interested in the Bio-Circular and Green (BCG) economic model in Thailand. The event will feature an expert panel of government officials, researchers and private companies from Thailand and the Netherlands, and an interactive Q&A session.
Thailand offers excellent prospects for developing businesses in biofuels, bioplastics and biochemicals due to its abundant natural resources, biodiversity, and strong agricultural activities. Opportunities are also arising for the use of agricultural waste streams to generate renewable energy.
Learn more about this potential by attending the webinar.
Register below!

9:30 Welcome by moderator Freek van Eijk, Director of Holland Circular Hotspot
9:35 Opening words, video message from Mr. Remco van Wijngaarden, Ambassador of the Netherlands to Thailand, Cambodia and Laos
Part I: Setting the scene
9:40 Getting to know the Bio-Circular-Green Economy strategy by Dr. Kuakoon Piyachomwan, Deputy Executive Director, Research and Development Bioscience and Biotechnology for Industry, NSTDA
9:50 Introduction to doing business in Thailand by Hans van den Born, Executive Director of the Netherlands-Thai Chamber of Commerce
Part II: Bio-economy opportunities and challenges
10:00 Thailand, mapping new strategies, opportunities and challenges for collaboration by Rick Passenier, Director at PACE Business Partners
10:10 Exploring present and future business opportunities in Thailand and the Netherlands- sharing best practices
- Sander van der Linden, President of Corbion Purac (Thailand)
- Luuk Rietvelt, Regional Manager APAC, Harvest Waste
- Jeremy Timmer, Founder, INFINRG/HoST
- Sawita Tinsuntisook – Secretary, Waste to Energy Trade Association (WETA)
- Ms. Lhing W. – Chief Marketing Officer, BioMatLink/Bio Hub Asia.
10:30 Interactive panel discussion and Q&A session
10:45 Closing