CE Hotspot movement further pushing boundaries in 2024
September 13, 2022
Since 2016, when the first Circular Hotspot event took place in the Netherlands, Circular Economy (CE) Hotspot events have happened annually in Europe. These events showcase the organising countries’ circular activities and share their best business practices, policies and approaches. They have been successful in stimulating businesses to adopt circular principles and have inspired CE action in new countries. They have created nothing less than a circular legacy.

This week the jury, consisting of 4 CE Hotspot event organisers, came together to decide the location of the CE Hotspot event in 2024. The jury consisted of Holland Circular Hotspot (2016), Catalonia (2020/21), North Rhine Westphalia (CE Hotspot 2022) and Dublin (CE Hotspot 2023).
The jury was delighted by the interest to host CE Hotspot 2024 with 3 candidates from Europe, 2 candidates from Africa and 3 from the Americas. The quality of the proposals was exceptionally high and the passion of the presenters was palpable. There is a global momentum for circular economy as a solution to stimulate our economy, achieve the Sustainable Developments Goals and the Climate Goals. Once again we experienced a unique interest in CE and growing ambition in every corner of the world which we want to respond to.
Therefore in 2024 we will not see one, not two, not even three but four CE Hotspot events spread out over four continents. It is with great pleasure that we announce that the CE Hotspot event in Europe will be held in Wales.
South Africa will be the proud host of the event in the African continent.
Brazil will carry the CE Hotspot flag in South America.
And as a continental first in North America the CE Hotspot will be held in Canada.
While diverse and geographical spread these four hotspots combined together will contribute towards the expansion of the global circular movement – at a time that we need it more than ever.
We congratulate the winners. They have the huge but rewarding responsibility to carry forward the circular movement in their region.
Finally we would like to remind you that the next CE Hotspot events will take place in 2023 in Dublin, Ireland; Lagos, Nigeria and Santiago de Chile. Join us on this inspiring circular journey!
More information
North Rhine Westphalia CE Hotspot (2022): dorothee.lauter@bottrop.de
Holland Circular Hotspot (CE Hotspot initiators): stephanie.schuitemaker@hollandcircularhotspot.nl
2024 CE Hotspot event winners
Europe: Wales; robert.wilson1@gov.wales
South America: Brasil; beatriz@e4cb.com.br
Africa: South Africa; ntobeko@benpeta.co.za
North America: Canada; colin@cialgroup.com