SHIFT Business Webstival 2020 | Online Kick-off

online | 26th of August 2020

The economic shock created by COVID-19 has forced many companies to rethink their business models. In the SHIFT Business Webstival online Kick-off in August 2020, SHIFT challenges business leaders and developers to join the quest for intelligent, sustainable, and profitable regrowth. We’ll dive into themes like new directions of the economy, ecological reconstruction, and the trend of technology becoming embedded in everything.


What is SHIFT?

SHIFT challenges you to create intelligent business for the futures.

A FESTIVAL AND A MOVEMENT, NOT A CONFERENCE SHIFT invites you to rethink your business and to set your eyes on the future. Change doesn’t happen overnight. In 2020, we have decided to provide you with more time and support to digest new ideas. Instead of one festival, we now host two interlinked experiences: a virtual kick-off 26 August 2020 and the main event 27–28 October 2020.

Holland Circular Hotspot speaker

This year Dr. Jacqueline Cramer, chairman of the supervisory board of Holland Circular Hotspot will be one of the speakers at SHIFT Business Festival in Turku in autumn this year!

At SHIFT 2020, Jacqueline will be talking about the Dutch experiences and examples of implementing circular economy in practice.

More information and registration