Week of Circular Economy 2022
Several locations | 7th until 12th of February 2022The Week of the Circular Economy is approaching again! From Monday 7 February to Saturday 12 February 2022, circular pioneers across the country will open their doors. Good examples are given a stage throughout the country; forerunners meet each other, and starters are given tools to get started themselves.
The Acceleration House Netherlands Circular organizes this week for the seventh time. This is an initiative of Het Versnellingshuis, a national program that helps Dutch businesses to do business in a circular way. It is a partnership of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, MVO Nederland, Het Groene Brein, VNO-NCW and MKB-Nederland.
Seminars, workshops, and other events aimed at providing tools and resources to accelerate circular entrepreneurship take place throughout the country. Events will be organised both online and offline and are grouped under the larger themes of CE such as mobility, energy, biodiversity, food, buildings and more.
Stay tuned and follow the detailed program, here.

Events in English Language
Overall, the Dutch Circular Week consists of events organized by and for Dutch parties. The following two events will be conducted in English:
Brewer’s Spent Grain Event
Presently being largely used as animal feed, Brewer’s Spent Grain can be a nutritional source for human beings as well and can be used for making food products. Foodvalley is the company behind this idea and they will cover its market trends, insights, and opportunities. Find more information and register for this event here
Circularity Deck Experimentation Workshop
Take your ideas and design experiments to recognize opportunities for your business to become circular through this card deck based game. The workshop is facilitated by Prof. Dr. Nancy Bocken and Dr. Jan Konietzko from project Circular X at Maastricht University. Register and learn more here